2601 Franklin Road Roanoke, VA 24014 |   (540) 206-3475
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Bar Info

Barrel Chest not only has the largest, most carefully curated retail selection of beer and wine, but also is home to Roanoke's first self-pour tasting bar.  17 wines by the glass and 28 draft lines for beer, cider, and mead are all available by the ounce.  Our state of the art pour-your-own technology allows you to be your own bartender and pour as little or as much as you'd like.* Get a Tab card, taste at your own pace, cultivate your own flight, or expertly pour a pint of your favorite beer to sip while you shop the retail aisles.  We offer a relaxed, quiet atmostphere where you can chat about beverages with a group of friends on our couches, or with your favorite friend, tucked away in our fireplace nook.  

We don't have a full dinner kitchen but offer a variety of tasty snacks, cheeses, and fresh Breadcraft items.  Feel free to bring  your own food!


Check our Untappd beer menu here


*Our self pour technology automatically limits guests to 32oz before they must check in with a staff member to get more.







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